Wow, this year is speeding by! Halloween is just around the corner and, in case you weren’t aware, it is the second most popular holiday, Christmas being the first. Do not let the opportunity of cashing in on this holiday pass you by. Check out this Tip of the Week from WhizBang! Training for some facts, figures and ideas on how to turn customers’ quest for fun and treats into profit. Read on:
Dear Tip of the Weeker,
This week’s Tip is a reprint from 2007 that included some interesting facts and figures about the Halloween shopping season.
We thought it would be fun to run this Tip again, updating the figures, to see how things have changed in the past couple of years.
(2007 figures are represented in parentheses.)
According to our good friend Don Morgan at Party Club of America, the world’s largest buying group of party and Halloween merchandise, Halloween is now the number two holiday and it’s getting bigger every year.
Consider this…
Last year’s Halloween retail sales including advertising, exceeded an unprecedented $5.8 billion ($5.5 billion.)
A partial breakdown includes:
Candy: $1.8 billion, ($2 billion – ’07 was a record-breaking candy holiday);
Home Decorating: $1.6 billion ($.659 billion) remains second only to the Christmas holiday season;
Costumes: $2 billion ($1.3 billion;) interesting breakdown…
– Children’s Costumes = $.8 billion
– Adult Costumes = $1 billion
– Pet Costumes = $.2 billion!
Greeting Cards: $.3 billion ($.06 billion.)
According to the National Retail Federation’s 2010 Halloween Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey, American consumers planned to spend more money in all major Halloween categories in 2010 compared to the spending previous years, and 63.8% of those surveyed planned to celebrate Halloween or participate in Halloween activities!
In a nutshell, you still can’t afford to miss this opportunity.
At the very least you can stock and sell Halloween merchandise – costumes, home accessories, scary music etc. – and decorate your store and windows.
That’s a no-brainer.
But to take full advantage of the holiday you should throw yourself into it whole hog…
Here are a couple of ideas to get your juices flowing…
– You can have an after hours Halloween Party for your best customers.
– If you sell to children you can have a Halloween coloring contest for school children.
– If you are a running store or fitness center you can sponsor a Halloween Fun Run and give special prizes for people who run in costume.
– You can partner with your favorite non-profits and donate a percentage of the sales that come from their supporters who shop at your store.
The list goes on and on!
One of the best ways for you, as a small businessperson, to really distinguish yourself from the competition is to create a memorable experience for your customers.
Halloween presents you with the perfect opportunity to do something cool, fun, creative and unforgettable.