Analysis Paralysis: How Much is Too Much?

consumer-choicesA recent article in The Fiscal Times defines the repercussions of Analysis Paralysis in our lives. Too many choices leads to confusion, which, in turn, often leads to procrastination. This can have severe impact in our lives in terms of lost opportunities and also in terms of financial loss. The repercussions are not limited to individuals; they can affect businesses as well. Yet no other industry has perhaps faced the level of damage from analysis paralysis like retail. Increasing competition and globalization means stores feel the need to expand, yet every expansion has the potential to fuel analysis paralysis and harm sales. It’s ironic, but true.

The retail and merchandising sectors depend on demand and the flow of goods to bring in revenue. If a buyer’s confusion and procrastination leads to the loss of a sale, then survival of the business can be at stake. To avert such disasters while offering a wide array of choices, one has to devise smarter strategies to direct consumer action towards definite sales. Owners and/or managers must assist customers in understanding the differences between similar items. There is a fine balance between offering enough choices, but not so many as to depletes sales. This is the art of managing analysis paralysis and here’s how you can begin.

Ways to Combat Analysis Paralysis
Now that we have addressed the downfalls of analysis paralysis, let’s take a look at some ways you can avoid it.

Tip #1: Inform. Yes, there are a large number of items on the shelf, all in the same category and all with more-or-less the same features. The only real difference, at least in the eyes of the customer, may be price. You cannot escape from the expansion, so it’s time to manage the products on display. Instead of relying on the brands to market their products, you have to design a whole new way to inform your buyers about these products. Set a schedule for prioritizing one at a time or a few at time so that every product goes through a solid publicity cycle. This may lead to taking a hard look at what is really selling and why. Drop any losers; look at new products; and, push the products you know are working. Make sure that your marketing tactics appeal to the psyche of your buyer demographics instead of being generic. Appeal to their needs, offer what they desire, and give top-level information on the products so customers can make a quick, concise decision.

Tip #2:  Innovate. Retail has deep roots in innovation, which are not readily apparent; yet, they form the solid foundation for smart merchandising. You cannot emulate others blindly and hope to excite your buyers into buying more. In fact, boring and mundane displays that resembles any competitors’ stores will only result in flat sales. You need to stand out. Research and innovate new ways to display your merchandise so that it catches the consumer’s attention and draws them to buy. The best motivator is still money, so when you have two competing brands offering the same features, set them apart by offering innovative deals and discounts on each (one at a time) so that choosing one over the other is easier. Out of the box marketing tactics and below the line promotions also go a long way to boost sales.

Tip #3: Incite. The first two steps, are a way to attract customers to your store and deal with the inventory you currently carry. You cannot hope to stem analysis paralysis effectively, however, unless you take a more direct and aggressive stance. Smart merchandising is not just about great displays and expanding products; that is basic criteria for retail. Intelligent business maneuvers here mean devising strategies that will constantly pit each product against the other and invoke customer interest. You have to incite their brand loyalties. You have to bring out hidden desires. You have to poke them into picking up products from the shelf that they will be compelled to buy. Of course, certain brands will hold more sway over buyers, but smart displays can often bring smaller brands to the forefront as well. It is your job to incite the latent impulse shopper in all consumers so that they not only buy what they need without dithering, but also what they may not need, without question.

Your growing retail business will see a bright future when you keep expanding your product line and dropping losing products along the way. Applying smart merchandising techniques will help to tame analysis paralysis.

Need some help to reduce analysis paralysis in your store? Specialty Store Services can help! Our retail experts will guide you through choosing the right display solutions for your store and put an end to analysis paralysis. Call 800.999.0771 or visit our website for more information.

Tips for Creating Successful Window and Focal Displays

woman-clothes-shopping-vertEffective store fixtures are the backbone of a retailer’s business. It’s easy to fall into the trap of taking your displays, shelves, and mannequins for granted. However, without these fixtures, your stores’ sales would be in trouble. They are doing more than keeping your merchandise off the floor—the right fixture, used in the most effective way, can make the difference between meeting your sales goals and missing them.

Ways to Use Fixtures Effectively  

Use your fixtures to create eye-catching displays in store windows and at the front of your stores. These displays are important to initially grabbing shoppers’ attention. These are called “focal fixtures.” Often the customer experience begins the minute a shopper sees one of your stores—even before he or she walks in. Do not be afraid to use creative and innovative tactics when displaying your merchandise. A great way to find new ideas and spark creativity is by browsing through magazines, photography blogs, or Pinterest.

Creating captivating window and focal fixture displays is an important part of successful store merchandising. Window displays help get shoppers into the store, enticing them with color, imagery and sometimes fantasy, to appeal to their inspirational selves. Once the shopper is in the store the focal fixture displays, especially expertly merchandised mannequins, engage the shopper and pulling them deeper into the store, continuing the emotional dialogue with the shopper, and getting them into the mindset to make a purchase.

 Tips for Successful Window and Focal Displays

One of the first steps to developing a window or front display is to know your customer base. Are your customer targets young, trendy people in their twenties? Are they middle-aged moms with kids? Or are they retired but still active couples? Once you have determined what type of customers you are targeting, tailor your fixtures and displays in a way that maximizes their interests and experiences.

Sean Reed, the CEO of Fashion Media, urges retailers to not underestimate the power of a window display. “Window displays are important in retail stores throughout the world extending from high streets to the mall environment. They are the shop front to consumers and influence the consumer’s decision on whether to enter the store or not,” he says.

Another point to keep in mind is never obscuring a shopper’s view. Arrange products and fixtures in a way so they can still see to back of your stores. This helps entice them to walk through the entire store. Using the appropriate signage will also help shoppers find what they need and want. Use easy-to-follow signs to guide shoppers throughout your stores and help them discover something new for themselves.

Store fixtures are not just metal or wood, they are the screens onto which dreams are projected by the merchant and from which they are acquired by the shopper. Interested in learning how well made and cost effective displays can boost your sales? The retail experts at Specialty Store Services can help. Call us today at 800.999.0771 or click here to visit our website for more information.

After the Holiday Buzz is Over: How to Keep the Magic Alive (and Avoid the Hangover)

holiday-hangover2-254x300If a group of retail professionals was asked this question, “What lies at the core of high sales and profits?” how would they answer? Some would say great products and others might suggest competitive prices, but they are both wrong. Studies have proven over and over again that an outstanding customer experience is the number one answer. Without an outstanding first impression—followed by many more great experiences—your potential customers won’t give you a second thought. Providing customers with a memorable and superior customer experience should surpass the excellence of your product or low prices, especially during the holiday season.

Exterior and Interior Impressions

The festive, warm atmosphere is one of the major reasons why so many people enjoy the holiday season. Can a customer enter one of your stores and immediately be cheered up by the holiday lights, garlands, and other colorful decorations and have their shopper mojo activated? The decorations help create a positive, memorable customer experience and stimulate buying—an accomplishment that you want to maintain all year long.

Need a Boost? Some Quick & Easy Fixes

If your store branding needs a boost, you have some great options to choose from. Here are some proven ways to create a colorful, inviting atmosphere and encourage your customers to buy:

  • Use new store fixtures to add interest and excitement in different areas of the store
  • Design and develop a unique line of custom store fixtures for an entire store chain makeover
  • Choose a bright, welcoming color and repaint your stores’ exteriors and interiors
  • Add framed pictures or custom banners or signs to select areas in your stores

Creating warm, inviting storefronts and interiors is easy to accomplish during the holidays; the challenge is keeping this feeling when the holidays end. When you take the decorations down, the welcoming store atmosphere can disappear. How does your current store branding measure up when the holiday glitz and glitter are gone? As you evaluate the situation don’t gloss over areas of improvement. Be honest with yourself and your employees. The sooner you figure out what needs to be improved, the sooner you can begin building an atmosphere that welcomes and cheers customers year-round—and ultimately keeps customers buying.

Interested in learning more about how to avoid the post holiday shopping hangover? The retail experts at Specialty Store Services can help. Call us today at 800.999.0771 or click here to visit our website for more information.

Getting it Right: Quality Control & the Overseas Supplier

getting it rightWhen you work with a fixture company that has overseas partners it very important to make sure ahead of time that they have a stringent quality control process in place both overseas and in the USA. Starting with the prototype and ending with the delivery of the final product, each stage has its own issues  that need to be checked to maintain a maximum level of quality.

Documented Overseas Q/C Process. To make sure that you are receiving the best quality product, there needs to be a secure and documented inspection process at every project stage. First, the prototype must be designed and approved to specification and then production can begin. During production through completion, it is important that the supplier have overseas employees to inspect at every production stage up to the final product on site to make sure it meets all the buyer’s specifications. They also keep the project moving to ensure the buyer’s deadlines will be met.

Onsite Factory Inspections. The supplier needs to have a rigorous process for testing quality, finish and packing before the finished fixture leaves its offshore destination. A good supplier will not ship a product that does not pass inspections and will have employees onsite to make sure this happens. The lead time for the overseas manufacturing process is generally about 8-10 weeks so it is important to get the inspections done right so the fixtures and ship on schedule.

Rigorous Stateside Pre-delivery Inspection. Once the product has been shipped, it generally takes about 3 weeks to reach its stateside destination. When the final product arrives at the supplier’s facility, should undergoe another rigorous inspection to make sure there are no missing parts or defects. Since a poorly made product that is not created to the correct specifications will waste the buyer’s valuable time and money, the supplier should have a detailed and comprehensive inspection process for each product before delivery.

Ultimately your job depends on the speed and the quality that your chosen partner can deliver, so it is key that you do your homework ahead of time and know who you are working with. Ask your fixture vendor if they have overseas staff for both engineering and inspection and if they do you will be able to rest easy in the knowledge that your project will arrive stateside on-time and looking great.

Interested in learning more? The retail experts at Specialty Store Services can help. Call us today at 800.999.0771 or click here to visit our website for more information.

Choosing the Right Fixture for Your Stores: Three Important Fixture Considerations

decisionChoosing the right fixtures for your store and merchandise is not as easy as it may seem. There are many factors that have an impact on what fixture is chosen; from what is going to be displayed on the fixture to how fast the delivery needs to be. Making the wrong choice can cost money and time so take the time to review the following points before you jump.

1. Product and store appropriate

To get the most of your store fixtures, you need to choose ones that best suit your products and stores. There are many factors to consider, such as your products’ pricing, store space, target customer base, and more. If you are selling a high-end product like jewelry, choosing a sophisticated looking display that matches the quality of your merchandise is important. A cheap-looking display may become a turn-off to your target customer base. Also, be sure to choose a fixture that displays your product to its full advantage. Folding a sweater up will not showcase the style and details; while you may need to fold and store the majority of sweaters on shelves, displaying the sweater on a

mannequin will allow the sweater to shine—and encourage shoppers to imagine themselves wearing the sweater. The quality and appearance of your fixtures should always meet or exceed your customers’ expectations.

 2. Longevity and ease of upkeep

Since buying fixtures can be a large investment, another factor to keep in mind is how long they will last. A sturdy, well-built shelf will stand the test of time better than a less expensive but lower-quality shelf. The idea of longevity should also tie-in with the nature of your products. Are you constantly getting newer and trendier products in

that need different displays each time? If so, a wider variety and amount of fixtures may be an acceptable trade-off for higher-quality.

Also, consider how much work it will take to maintain a fixture. If you have staff already working at capacity, they may not have time to take care of a maintenance intensive fixture. Different materials like chrome and other metals, plastic, and wood require varying amounts of upkeep time; wood fixtures may need dusting quite regularly, but chrome may need constant polishing to remove fingerprints and other smudges. Another factor to take into account is where you will be placing the fixture. If it will sit in a high-traffic area, will it stand up to the wear and tear of the crowds?

 3. Price and delivery

The fixture decision includes choosing stock or custom designs. There are advantages and disadvantages to both options; the key is being aware of them and making informed decisions.

Stock fixtures are less expensive and can typically be delivered faster. However, a stock fixture may not have the appearance or characteristics needed to help your merchandise sell. Custom-designed fixtures will be developed and produced with your exact needs in mind. They may cost more initially, but can deliver more return on your investment in the long-run. When deciding on the price and design of your fixture, also consider the cost and speed of delivery. High-quality and reasonable pricing are important qualities for a fixture, but you also want to make sure you get the product when you need it—not 15 weeks after you order it and 4 weeks past your deadline. Choose a vendor that truly meets the promise of fast and affordable delivery.

Interested in learning more about how to choose the perfect fixture? The retail experts at Specialty Store Services can help. Call us today at 800.999.0771 or click here to visit our website for more information.

Smart Retail Choices: 4 Considerations When Building a Store Fixture Budget

The decision to buy retail store fixtures is a fairly easy one—you’re going to need to buy fixtures at some time or another to keep your store going. The hard part is deciding how much to spend and what to buy. Fixtures are the backbone of your business, and you definitely want to get the highest ROI from them as possible.

As you build your fixture budget for the holiday season and upcoming new year, there are some important factors to consider:
1.      Current Store Sales
What do store sales look like right now? If sales are flat, it’s probably time to look into a store makeover. Adding some more polish and excitement with custom fixtures may be just what your store needs to attract more customers. You definitely don’t want to break the bank buying new retail fixtures, but it’s important to have good-quality fixtures that reflect your store’s branding and accentuate your merchandise.

If you have multiple stores that are suffering from low sales, try testing new fixtures in one of them. Do a complete transformation of your store’s look, and keep a close eye on how sales perform and customers react. After the test period, your findings should help you decide how much to invest in store fixtures for your entire chain of stores.

2.      Design Options
Having a small budget doesn’t mean you can’t invest in high-quality retail store fixtures. It just means you have to be smart about what design you choose. Find or create a versatile fixture design that can be easily adapted to your floor space and work for multiple products. This approach gives you a double-win—you end up with fixtures that create a cohesive look throughout your store, and look great when it comes time to roll out new merchandise.

A large budget is easier to work with, but you still need to be smart. Versatile displays and fixtures are good choices, but also consider developing a custom-made display for a special piece of merchandise. A display or fixture made specifically for one product can really help that product stand out and appeal to customers. 

3.      Type of Material
Different materials come with different price tags. If you like the look of a certain material, like wood, and are working with a small budget, ask your fixture supplier if they have less expensive options that have a similar look as wood. Metal is always a good choice—it adapts well to other fixtures, is durable, and is less expensive than many other materials. With a larger budget, choosing a material like wood may be a special touch that your store needs to stand out. Choose a material that supports your store’s brand and creates a store atmosphere that appeals to your customer base.
4.      Level of Maintenance
How much work do you want to put in to keep your store fixtures looking clean and presentable? Probably not very much since the store employees are already busy helping customers and putting out merchandise. When you start planning out your fixture budget, make sure you’re looking at store fixtures and displays that are easy to maintain. A fixture that requires daily polishing, cleaning, and dusting might not be the best choice for a busy staff—especially during the holidays. Talk to your fixture supplier and get their thoughts on what materials and designs tend to be the easiest to take care of.  


Find out how Specialty Store Services can help answer your store fixture budget questions. Call us today at 1-800-999-0771 or visit our website for more information and a FREE store fixture consultation.

3 Ways Custom Retail Fixtures Can Boost Sales

“We get confused a bit about what retail is. It is really just buying things, putting them on a floor and selling them.” -Gerry Harvey, Australian furniture retailer
These days, as retailers are asked to do more with less, it’s hard to determine what’s important to invest in and what is not. Which products should you sell? How many store fixtures should you purchase? What kind? The questions can become overwhelming. In the quote above, Harvey cuts through the chaos and simplifies a retailer’s job to its simplest function: SELL. All your actions should be supporting your ultimate goal of selling more merchandise.
One of the key ways to achieve that goal is to use the right store fixture to display your products. Generic fixtures can work just fine, but sometimes, the situation calls for more. Sometimes you need a superhero to come in and save the day—a secret weapon like custom store fixtures.
Custom fixtures have more flexibility than generic ones, and can sell your products more effectively. Putting your merchandise on the floor with style can do wonders for your margins. Here are three ways that custom retail fixtures can boost store sales and drive profits:
1.      Make Fixtures More Shoppable
When you customize a fixture to fit with your stores’ unique space and feel, you give your store an extra edge. Rather than sticking your merchandise on a basic, plain fixture, you’re putting it on a fixture that has character and style. A well-made, stylish fixture appeals to customers more, making them more likely to notice your merchandise and buy. Custom fixtures that truly fit the atmosphere of your store showcase your products and provide a customer experience that draws people back.
2.      Increase Branding
Custom fixtures allow stores to increase their brand presence and give customers an exceptional experience. From signage and POP displays to garment racks and gondolas, you can design a look that fits the colors, logo, message, and values of your brand. The possibilities are only as limited as your imagination. For example, one of our athletic apparel customers really wanted a unique, branded look for their store to stand out from their competitors. Custom fixtures gave them the ability to design mesh and metal fixtures that made their products stand out. When customers now enter the store, they are immediately in a branded atmosphere that they’ll remember—and buy from.
3.      Showcase a Unique Product

Another major advantage of custom retail fixtures is their design flexibility. The color, shape, and size can be designed to uniquely fit a special product. Sometime a product needs more than a stock display or shelf. Having a well-made fixture that accentuates your product will add to its appeal and encourage customers to buy. Approach it from the viewpoint of a customer. Which product are you more likely to buy—a watch that’s sitting on a plain, white shelf, or a watch nestled on a velvet square inside a gleaming glass case?

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