Marketing Tasks Should be a Top Priority

When opening or running a store, we believe that if we build it they will come. As store owners, you cannot only rely on word of mouth; you need to work at it and having good marketing is the difference between a store being successful and a store that is not.
To make a business thrive, here are 5 marketing ideas that can help you be successful:
  1. Clearly Write Out and Develop a Plan
At the beginning of every year, I write out a strategy that revolves around the calendar and I determine how many emails and the topics of the emails that I want to cover each month.  A great starting point is to revolve marketing ideas around holidays; even if it is only four times a year, it is better than not having anything at all.
  1. Promotions and Press Releases
Each month write a Press Release to your local newspaper, and have in-store promotions as well as Facebookpromotions. Consider weekly contests where they have to comment or share with a friend.  The great part about this idea is that it is no cost to you and you can only benefit from more people learning about your store. 
  1. Thank-You Cards
After each order, either send customers a thank-you card, thanking them for their purchase, or insert a card into the bag.  This goes a long way and customers will feel appreciated.  You may want to add an offer to entice the customer to come back and shop. This little token will go along way – remember, it is cheaper to keep and existing customer than it is to get new customers.
  1. Encourage Interaction through Facebook
Add new pictures of products or events to Facebook and encourage customers to “Like” your store while they are shopping and maybe give out a free gift.  The more Likes your store gets, the more exposure your store will get. 
  1. Email Blasts and Texts
Emails and texts must be done on a regular basis and in a timely manner to correlate with the seasons.  Blasts can include pictures of new products, new service, a special item that is on sale for the week. If customers like you they will be happy to hear from you no matter what. 
Marketing should be a top priority; if you don’t have the want or know how, then it is time to hire a person who is skilled at marketing.  As a Store Owner, you want only the best, so step it up and increase your bottom line.