After surveying the entryway, take a stroll around the store. Are your shelves and racks stocked and organized? Make sure that your items are priced and that sale signs are attractive, legible and prominently displayed. If you have fitting rooms, are the mirrors and floors clean? Are there ample hooks for customers to hang their selections in the fitting rooms?
Let’s go check out. The check out counter should not be where old notes and broken pens go to die, nor is it the place to keep potato chips while you nibble throughout the day. You want to convey a professional and clean environment, the image that you and your store are reliable and responsible, so make sure the counter is not cluttered, dirty or chipped. A good cleaner can wipe up any dirt, spilled drinks or icky tape residue. Information for staff reference should be out of the customer’s line of vision, ideally in a binder or behind the counter. However, some things you may want your customers to see are information about your upcoming promotions and return/exchange policies. This should be one of the few places in the store where your signage can be more detailed than “sale” signs. Take advantage of your captive audience and let them know what else you have to offer!
So, are you satisfied with what your store is telling people? If so, well done! If not, don’t be discouraged. Every day brings a new learning experience and now is your chance to make some positive changes! Retail merchandising and presentation can be a challenge but if approached creatively, cleverly and with enthusiasm, it can also be very profitable and rewarding.