How to Keep Your Store Safe During the Holidays – Shoplifting Prevention 101

With the holiday season in full swing, store owners and managers should be extra vigilant for shoplifting. Read on to discover some great ways you can safeguard your store against this pesky problem!

Shoplifting Prevention Techniques 

Shoplifting is an all-too-common crime that can cause major financial losses for businesses. It is estimated that shoplifting costs retailers billions of dollars each year. Security measures, like cameras and alarms, help to keep tabs on potential shoplifters but the most effective defense of all comes from having informed employees!

Employees who know shoplifting trends and how to properly handle suspicious behavior can be a powerful deterrent to would-be shoplifters. Educating staff about what to look out for – as well as how they should respond when noticing suspicious behavior – empowers them with valuable tools in preventing theft.

Install security cameras and alarms to deter thieves 

Install security cameras and alarms to deter thieves 

The best shoplifting prevention is to install security cameras in your store. It would be best if you also had alarms that go off when someone tries to shoplift. Many shoplifting cases are solved because the shoplifter was recorded on video.  

You can also buy security mirrors. They help you see what is happening in your store even if you are not there. If you do not want to spend money on installation, you can put up signs that say that shoplifting is prohibited and that violators will be prosecuted. This will deter some shoplifters, but it is less effective than having a security system in place. 

Keep a close eye on customers, especially those who seem suspicious. 

As a business owner, it’s important to be vigilant in protecting your inventory and assets. One way to do this is to keep a close eye on customers, especially those who seem suspicious. Store security cameras can help you monitor activity in your store, and motion-detecting alert systems can notify you of any unusual activity. Shoplifting is a serious problem for businesses, so taking steps to prevent it is important.  

Make sure all merchandise is priced correctly and accounted for 

Keep your store safe by making sure everything is in order! All merchandise should be priced as marked, and all labels and tags must stay up-to-date. This gives customers an accurate idea of how much their purchases will cost them – plus it deters shoplifting attempts from would-be thieves. It’s really a win for everyone involved when you keep shelves neat and labeled correctly.

Restrict access to the store’s backroom and stockroom

Restrict access to the store's backroom and stockroom 

Try to restrict access to the backroom and stockroom for the ultimate security measures. These areas should be equipped with cameras and camera mirrors, and even storefront security gates should be installed to control entry and exit.  

Store security should be alerted to unauthorized individuals attempting to gain access to these areas. By staying alert, we can ensure that all of our valuable inventory is safe and sound and everyone working there will feel protected.

Lock up expensive or high-theft items in a secure location 

To best protect your high-theft or costly items, investing in a sound security system is crucial. EAS systems, or Electronic Article Surveillance systems, are a great option, as they can be customized to your needs and include features like sensors and alarms.  

Additionally, security hard tags can be placed on items particularly vulnerable to shoplifting. By taking these precautions, you can help to deter thieves and keep your valuable things safe. 


Protecting your retail business from shoplifters is no easy feat, but with the right security strategies in place you can minimize risk. Let your employees and other staff know about shoplifting prevention techniques, you can make it more difficult for thieves to steal from your business. For more information on preventing shoplifting and protecting your business’ assets, check out Specialty Store Services. We offer a wide range of products and services to help retail stores like yours stay safe and secure.