Event Setup 101: Visual Merchandising for Proven Results

Visual merchandising revolves around how you place products in a retail setting, present them to the consumer public, and essentially market them at the ground level. When done right, it can bring in customers and create positive associations with your brand, as well as drive sales and ongoing patronage. That said, visual merchandising is not Read More …

Pressing Concerns in Visual Merchandising

When it comes to visual merchandising, there are many challenges inherent in planning the layout, design, and elements to be included. There are several goals at play, such as grabbing attention and exposing consumers to as much merchandise as possible (without overwhelming them). Ultimately, you want your visual displays to create a positive customer experience, Read More …

Using Psychological Pricing to Boost Revenue

Your first thought when it comes to using psychology to increase sales and revenue might be of painting the roses red, so to speak. The human brain is attracted to certain colors more than others, and this could be used as a means to bring in business and drive sales. There’s an easier way to Read More …