How to Revamp Your Craft Show Booth

With the holidays coming up, craft shows everywhere will appear. Now is the time to really reevaluate your craft show booth and see how you can revamp it with eye-catching fixtures and more. But how exactly do you take your craft booth from ‘good’ to ‘great’? Specialty Store Services is here to help give you expert advice on brand showcasing, product displays, and more! Stay tuned!

Make Sure Your Products are Displayed in an Attractive Way

This seems like a given, but it makes a big difference if your product is displayed in an attractive and organized manner. If customers come and can’t make heads or tails out of what you’re selling because of disorganization, it will dent your revenue. Think about putting things at eye level and making sure customers don’t have to bend down or crane their necks when they’re checking out your products. This way, it can help showcase all your products with ease.

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Invest in a Good Light Source

When you’re on the road, figuring out how the lighting will be at the venue you’re showcasing is hard. Make sure to bring reliable lighting, even if it’s just as a backup or an emergency. Craft show booths need proper lighting; otherwise, people can’t see the display and, more importantly, your products. Think about looking into LED spotlights, ring lights, or even just string lights to add brightness to your booth.

Utilize Props to Create an Inviting Atmosphere

Props are a great tool to use as decorations to lure your customers in. When you’re at a trade show, there are so many craft booths that you must try to stand out. Think about putting up seasonal decorations, music, or even neon signs. This way, customers can see you from afar and want to engage with what’s in your booth.

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Create Different Sections for Different Types of Products

As we’ve mentioned, staying organized can go a long way when running a craft show booth. Another way to be organized is to have different sections in your booth for specific products or product categories. Gridwall panels and displays are great fixtures to achieve this. They’re also easy to install, so you don’t have to waste too much time on installation.

Offer free samples and/or promotional materials to customers.

Everyone loves free samples! If you’re selling a food or drink product, it’s a great idea to have free samples for customers to taste test before buying. Most of the time, the free samples alone will bring in more interested customers. This also gives customers something to remember your brand by even after the event.

Have Easy-to-Reach Storage Containers for Unsold Items and Extra Supplies

After an event, craft show booth owners are left with a lot of cleanup. This could be packing up unsold items, extra supplies, or fixtures. No matter what it is, it’s smart to have a lot of storage containers on hand to make this process a lot easier. It also makes you look more professional and organized rather than having all your products piled into a bag.


The holiday season is coming up, and trade shows tend to happen more frequently. If you own a craft show booth, make sure to take into account all the tips and tricks we’ve given you to revamp your space truly. Whether you need to add more lighting and organization, offer free samples, or just put products at eye level, Specialty Store Services is here to help! We not only offer our professional advice but can also help you transform your craft booth with quality fixtures, gridwall panels, portable shelving, and more! Check us out online today, and happy crafting!