Greeting Customers 101

Have you ever gotten whiplash in a retail store? You know, when you walk into the store and slowly start taking in the layout and merchandise when a gaggle of sales clerks at the counter or a clerk at a display across the store yell out “Hi, howyadoin’today?” Then you have to look around to see where the half-hearted but strident greeting is coming from so you can acknowledge them?
I know that clerks think they are doing their job by promptly greeting customers in this manner but whiplash greetings are not the way to go. You don’t want to distract the customers while they are just settling in and getting acquainted with the store and products that they may purchase. The quality of the greeting is more important than the speed of the greeting so take the time to approach the customer, even if you cannot get to them for a minute or two. A sincere face-to-face greeting along with a warm smile will make a more positive impression than an indifferent greeting shouted from across the store.