Choosing the Right Fixture for Your Stores: Three Important Fixture Considerations

decisionChoosing the right fixtures for your store and merchandise is not as easy as it may seem. There are many factors that have an impact on what fixture is chosen; from what is going to be displayed on the fixture to how fast the delivery needs to be. Making the wrong choice can cost money and time so take the time to review the following points before you jump.

1. Product and store appropriate

To get the most of your store fixtures, you need to choose ones that best suit your products and stores. There are many factors to consider, such as your products’ pricing, store space, target customer base, and more. If you are selling a high-end product like jewelry, choosing a sophisticated looking display that matches the quality of your merchandise is important. A cheap-looking display may become a turn-off to your target customer base. Also, be sure to choose a fixture that displays your product to its full advantage. Folding a sweater up will not showcase the style and details; while you may need to fold and store the majority of sweaters on shelves, displaying the sweater on a

mannequin will allow the sweater to shine—and encourage shoppers to imagine themselves wearing the sweater. The quality and appearance of your fixtures should always meet or exceed your customers’ expectations.

 2. Longevity and ease of upkeep

Since buying fixtures can be a large investment, another factor to keep in mind is how long they will last. A sturdy, well-built shelf will stand the test of time better than a less expensive but lower-quality shelf. The idea of longevity should also tie-in with the nature of your products. Are you constantly getting newer and trendier products in

that need different displays each time? If so, a wider variety and amount of fixtures may be an acceptable trade-off for higher-quality.

Also, consider how much work it will take to maintain a fixture. If you have staff already working at capacity, they may not have time to take care of a maintenance intensive fixture. Different materials like chrome and other metals, plastic, and wood require varying amounts of upkeep time; wood fixtures may need dusting quite regularly, but chrome may need constant polishing to remove fingerprints and other smudges. Another factor to take into account is where you will be placing the fixture. If it will sit in a high-traffic area, will it stand up to the wear and tear of the crowds?

 3. Price and delivery

The fixture decision includes choosing stock or custom designs. There are advantages and disadvantages to both options; the key is being aware of them and making informed decisions.

Stock fixtures are less expensive and can typically be delivered faster. However, a stock fixture may not have the appearance or characteristics needed to help your merchandise sell. Custom-designed fixtures will be developed and produced with your exact needs in mind. They may cost more initially, but can deliver more return on your investment in the long-run. When deciding on the price and design of your fixture, also consider the cost and speed of delivery. High-quality and reasonable pricing are important qualities for a fixture, but you also want to make sure you get the product when you need it—not 15 weeks after you order it and 4 weeks past your deadline. Choose a vendor that truly meets the promise of fast and affordable delivery.

Interested in learning more about how to choose the perfect fixture? The retail experts at Specialty Store Services can help. Call us today at 800.999.0771 or click here to visit our website for more information.