Countertop Candy Display Rack & Snack Racks Can Be a Profit Center for Any Store

Countertop Candy Display Racks Are a Sweet Source of Profit for Retailers

2507bkWith countertop snack and candy retail display racks, even for retailers who don’t primarily market themselves as candy stores, candy can become enormous profit makers. Getting the right candy retail displays and racks in your store will certainly make a big difference in the success of any new sales endeavor. On some level, candy essentially sells itself. Candy appeals to the customers’ most basic impulse needs: sugar! Effectively merchandising your candy, however, can allow sales to soar, driving candy purchases to become a major source of revenue for your business.

Getting the Placement Just Right

As with all impulse items, it’s important to keep candy in a customer’s line of vision. At Specialty Store Services, we recommend using countertop candy displays. Countertop candy displays are especially great if your store is short of floor space to merchandise the candy. Near the register is a very effective place to merchandise candy, as it allows the customer minimal time to peruse, leading them to make a quick decision to buy.

Let Your Candy Racks Be Your Silent Salesman with Retail Signage

Many of our countertop candy display racks include sign holders and sign channels, which is an easy and effective way to communicate your pricing to the customer. Whether you’re selling candy bars for $1 each, or pricing them with a deal such as 2 for $1.50, it’s important that the customer gets your message loud and clear. The more time they have to spend searching for the price, the more time they have to reconsider the purchase.Spinning Clip Display

Of course, some customers love to browse and it’s important for your displays to give them access to peruse your selection of treats. Our FDA-approved candy jar displays, tilted at an angle to give customers easy access, work well for individual candies. For bags of candy, chips, or cookies, we recommend using a clip display. Spinning clip displays are a customer favorite, but if that won’t work for your store, we have stationary versions available.

Candy Sales Have The Power and Potential To Be a Profit Powerhouse for Your Retail Store!

At its low price point, it’s easy to underestimate the purchasing power of candy.  Once you begin to merchandise your candy effectively, you will see sales rise and savor the sweetness of your retail success. To shop Specialty Store Services’ complete line of Candy display racks, including countertop and floor racks, click here for our complete selection and more.