Wheeler Dealer: Why Wheels Make Sense for Retailers

Wheeler DealerAs a retailer, you no doubt understand the importance of displays and retail racks. These functional furniture items allow you to display your wares in innovative ways, and unlike wall-mounted racks and large shelving displays, they’re relatively easy to assemble, disassemble, and move throughout your retail space. In other words, they provide you with a level of convenience and efficiency necessary in the ever-changing world of retail sales.

What you might not know is that you could make your job even easier by upgrading to wheeled displays and racks, or those that come complete with casters so you can push them here and there with little-to-no effort at all. This small addition to standard displays and racks may cost a little more, but with the convenience, you’ll gain and the time you’ll save, the minor expense will be well worthwhile. Learn why should you upgrade to wheeled displays and racks for your retail store!

Change Your Layout on a Lark

Depending on how heavy your display tables and racks are and how loaded they are with merchandise, it may be difficult for you or sales associates to move them around your retail space. If you’re not keen on scuffing the flooring, you’ll probably have to remove merchandise to rearrange your layout, at the very least, and you might need a minimum of two people to lift and move displays to preserve your flooring if tables or racks are heavy on their own.

Wheeled displays and racks eliminate these problems! You can lock the wheels after placing them for safety, you don’t want customers bumping them out of place or suffering from slipping accidents by leaning on them. Then, when you want to change the layout of your store, all you have to do is unlock the wheels and easily push displays to new locations. If you’re testing the efficacy of displays in certain locations or the relative ease with which customers move throughout your space, having moveable furniture can be a major boon.

Swap Merchandise in a Snap

Wheeled racks and displays make it easy to move your merchandise anywhere you like, whether you want to swap out displays frequently to feature different products or you simply like to move certain merchandise into a secure back area after closing. This is also a great way to move seasonal items in and out of long-term storage so they’re ready to go for the next season without the need to repopulate displays.

Set Up Special Events

Whether you like to host sidewalk sales when the weather permits, you participate in local craft fairs or swap meets, or you’re interested in setting up pop-up locations around town on a regular basis, wheeled displays and racks can make moving your merchandise all over town an easy proposition. Think how much simpler it would be to move wheeled racks into a box truck. No more removing merchandise, packing it up, loading racks and then adding merchandise at the final destination. Only to wait a few hours and how to do the same thing in reverse. This type of retail furniture is ideal for moveable operations and offers much greater flexibility.

If you are interested in purchasing any retail store supplies, shop our website, Specialty Store Services, for all your retail store needs.  If you have a question that you would like answered immediately, you can Live Chat, or phone us at 800-999-0771.