Changing Cannabis Laws Create New Retail Opportunities

Changing Cannabis Laws Create New Retail Opportunities

There are currently 33 states where medical marijuana is legal, and it is now legal for adults age 21+ to use marijuana recreationally in 10 states and Washington, D.C. This is opening new doors for entrepreneurs interested in launching retail dispensaries.

Of course, there’s a lot more to selling CBD, marijuana, and related goods than simply stocking up on product and getting the proper permits. Like any retailer, you have to design an attractive and thoughtful retail space that encourages consumers to enter your store and make purchases. What do you need to make this happen, so you can make the most of your retail opportunities?

Layout and Design

The first thing you need to think about is customer flow, or how shoppers will move through your store. You probably know you need certain elements within your store to move customers through your space in predictable patterns. This includes pathways and impediments (like shelving, displays, and signage) that funnel, direct, and slow shoppers to help control and optimize the shopping experience.

Your store should open with a transitional space as shoppers cross the threshold, offer displays in a counterclockwise rotation (since most people turn right upon entering a store), and culminate in a POS location at the end. There are many variables to consider, depending on the size and dimensions of your space, the volume of wares you want to display, and how you plan to display them, but these basics of store layout and design are the essential foundations of any efficient retail space.

In Massachusetts, the line was so long at one cannabis store, it often circled the block. To better control the queue, think of investing in stanchions with retractable belts to easily change the lanes. Anticipate large crowds depending upon how many stores are open or will be opening in your state.


You need a place to showcase your wares, and this is where retail displays come into play. There are plenty of options to consider, from shelving and tables to wall displays. You’ll need to consider a variety of display options and how they fit into your space and your overall design. Different types of displays increase visual appeal and can dictate customer flow that allows you the flexibility to change up your layout, if you choose the right ones.

Full vision lighted displays in both vertical and horizontal formats are great options. Available in various colors and with features such as locks make it easy for customers to see your different products.

Don’t forget about window display, which draws customers into your store. As a cannabis retailer, you may have to comply with specific rules and regulations regarding this type of display, so make sure you understand all laws related to how you set up your retail location.

From there, you can use your window displays to build your brand image, convey core messaging, and create a unique and compelling call to action that brings customers into your store. Your window display can grab attention, create a focal point, and tell a story, helping you stand out from competitors and speak to prospective customers.


One more thing you need to consider is signage in your retail space. When used appropriately, it can be an effective tool for conveying messages and guiding shoppers along predetermined pathways. You must be careful, though, to use signage sparingly or it could make your store look cluttered and undermine your messaging. With these essential components in place, you’re off to a good start with your cannabis retail operation.

If you are in the process of starting a new business or have an existing one we are here to help. At Specialty Store Services  we have  everything you need and an exceptional staff that can point you in the right direction.  If you have a question that you would like answered immediately, you can Live Chat, or phone us at 800-999-0771.