Record Displays: Don’t Call it a Comeback

Record Displays: Don't Call it a ComebackFor many of us, vinyl albums (LPs) aren’t just a soundtrack to our youth but a whole experience that has been all but replaced by digital streaming until recently. The time spent flipping through LPs at a record store, waiting for an album cover to catch our attention, was a Saturday well spent. Once we got those albums home, we could admire the artwork, read the lyric sheets, and scope the liner notes for thank-yous to other bands who were just waiting to be discovered.

In short, it was an entire experience!

What Comes Around Goes Around

Many trends are cyclical, especially when it comes to music. From bands like Greta Van Fleet channeling their inner Led Zeppelin to Weezer bringing Toto’s “Africa” back into the mainstream, culture always seems to have an affinity for the best of the past.

As streaming services reduce some of the world’s most beloved music to ones and zeroes, a legion of buyers is eschewing “music as a commodity” and opting for the real, hands-on experience of LPs again. In fact, in the first half of 2020, vinyl revenue comprised 62% of all “physical music” revenue, surpassing CDs as the top-selling physical format for the first time in nearly 40 years!

For this to happen, it’s not just Gen Xers and Boomers buying vinyl, but scores of younger listeners who dismiss music as merely background sound but consider it a primary activity and look to submerse themselves completely.

This also means there are enough vinyl lovers to support LPs as a viable offering in your store now and for, presumably, decades to come!

Record Store Day

Initiated in 2008, Record Store Day occurs on a Saturday in April, then again on Black Friday. Heavily promoted by some of the largest bands on the planet (e.g., Metallica, Foo Fighters, etc.), the event has only grown in popularity. In fact, many artists release exclusive vinyl specifically for Record Store Day. Along the way, many other businesses have taken notice. From online subscription services to full record sections in stores like Best Buy, FYE, and Hot Topic, LPs are once again the preferred non-digital option for listeners.

LP and Record Display Décor

Among designers and interior decorators, LPs are gaining popularity. In addition to having designer LP racks, many are framing album covers and hanging them on walls in man caves, home offices, and more. This is especially significant as it shows LPs are not just about the music right now, but an actual representation of one’s personal tastes put on display in a record bin for others to witness.

LP Displays Are Crucial

At Specialty Store Services, we have a number of different LP record displays, so you can find one that fits your store perfectly.

If floor space is at a premium, consider our Slatwall LP Display Shelf, which measures 48 inches wide and 6 inches deep, allowing you to display LPs three-wide. The one-inch lip keeps them from sliding off. If you are looking for a smaller Slatwall record display, the Adjustable LP Displays For Slatwall might be perfect for you, as it is made specifically for highlighting individual LPs, such as collector items or new releases.

If you want to encourage “crate digging,” a larger LP display would be better. For instance, our Black Display Rack For LP Vinyl Records – Starter Unit holds a whopping 300 LPs! If cube displays are more your store’s style, then the 12-Cube Island Display could be a perfect addition.

If you are considering LPs as an impulse purchase at (or near) the register, then the 6-Tier Countertop LP/Album Display Wire Rack is perfect for you. At 29 inches wide, you can display albums side by side in a familiar record bin.

And, of course, don’t forget the LP Record Dividers to keep it all neat and orderly!

In Conclusion on Record Displays

If you have been considering setting up a record display in your store, the timing has never been better. To help you, Specialty Store Services carries an entire selection of LP racks and wall displays to get you started. From display racks to Slatwall displays, to record bins, to display cubes, and more, you’ll have plenty of options to fit the look and feel of your store.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about record displays, feel free to call us at 800-999-0771 or take advantage of our helpful Live Chat feature today.

Updated on September 9, 2022.