7 Creative Retail Display Ideas Your Customers Will Love

Winter Weather 101

What if you were missing out on your chance to get a very handsome profit?

If you are in retail, this is the perfect time to make some serious money. In fact, year-over-year sales are up by 8.3%!

However, some retailers are getting a bigger piece of that pie than others. If you want to maximize your profits during this time, then you need to take your retail display game to the next level.

Ready to maximize your sales? Keep reading to discover our favorite creative retail display ideas!

1. Creative Immersive Retail Displays

One thing that customers really care about is their experience inside your store. And this extends beyond simple customer service. Audiences such as Millennials and Generation Z want to immerse themselves in an experience that lifts them from the boring business of their daily lives.

One way you can provide that kind of immersion is by creating your own immersive displays. For example, you can sell more winter coats by creating a winter environment for your mannequins. This allows customers to “see” themselves wearing the product on a cold winter day.

Ultimately, immersive displays offer the kind of escapist fun that will keep your customers coming back.

2. Ladder Shelves and Other Creative Displays

An immersive retail display may sound great on paper, but not every retailer has the time or space to make that happen. If you’d like to do something simple but striking, consider using ladder shelves in your retail store.

Ladder shelving is just that: two or more ladders holding up shelves. Customers’ eyes are naturally drawn to the ladders because they offer a splash of natural color and make for a great accent piece. This is one of the reasons rustic wood displays are so popular.

Plus, ladder shelving is easy to assemble, easy to disassemble, and easy to move. This is perfect for stores that like to try a new creative retail display idea out regularly!

3. Create Your Own Art

The basic goal of retail shelving is to draw customers’ eyes to the products you wish to sell. And you don’t have to reinvent the wheel to do so. Instead, all you have to do is turn some of your boring shelving into a dynamic art display.

Such retail artwork might be very complex. For example, you can use mannequins and the right clothing to recreate movie scenes. Alternatively, you can create basic scenes of mannequins using your products (such as mannequins at the grill).

Would you rather try something simpler? It’s possible to use 12-packs of soda or anything with a box design to create your own pixelated art. This is a very striking design and is likely to be popular with any customers that fondly remember old-school video games.

4. Interactive Displays

Few things impress customers quite as much as an interactive display. And this is one of our display tips where you can go as “high-tech” or as “low-tech” as you want.

For example, there are modern, technology-powered displays that can serve multiple functions. This includes providing info about different items to customers and even displaying videos of how to use the products.

However, you can get similar results with a “low-tech” display where you encourage customers to touch and feel your products (glass cube displays are great for this purpose). You might be surprised by how much your sales increase once customers actually have the items in their hands!

5. Crate Displays are Creative Displays

Does the idea of creating creative retail displays in your store seem a bit intimidating? One way you can dip your toes into dynamic retail display ideas is to use your crates in creative ways.

The rustic look of crates helps command customers’ attention. In this way, you can stack crates together to make any product stand out or draw attention to a particular area of your store. You can also achieve a similar effect with wooden display pedestals.

Like ladder shelving, the crates are easy to move around. This means that you can set new displays up whenever you want to. And changing the look of your layouts from time to time is a great way to keep customers coming back.

The crates are obviously also useful for storage. In this way, having a solid selection of crates on hand can help with everything from staging displays to doing inventory.

6. Incorporate Greenery Into Your Retail Display

Been to any high-end retailers lately? If so, you’ve probably noticed a big trend: plants as decoration throughout the store.

You don’t have to drape every window with greenery. However, incorporating plants into your retail displays is a great way to transform your store interior for the better.

Why is that? Plants make spaces feel more inviting, which is one of the reasons we place them inside of our homes. By adding more plants to your shelves and throughout the store, you can create a less stressful environment.

And when your customers feel they can relax, they are much likelier to become regular visitors. And they look very nice inside the right acrylic countertop displays!

7. Cross-Merchandise When You Can

When it comes to retail shelving, sometimes the old tricks are the best ones. For example, if you want to boost your sales, it’s always a good idea to do some cross-merchandising!

The idea behind cross-merchandising is simple: by grouping related items together; you can entice customers to buy more things. For example, you might sell tortillas near salsa or potato chips near your French onion dip. And it’s easy to cross-merchandise once you have the right gondola shelves.

This is a great strategy because it makes things more convenient for customers, even as it boosts your bottom line. And once you start getting creative, the cross-merchandising opportunities are limitless.

Improve Your Retail Shelving with Creativity!

Now you know some of the retail display ideas to give your store a makeover. With these newFind a Niche displays, you can make the store look better than ever, even as you reap the sales rewards.

Here’s more good news: if you’re ready to transform your store, you don’t have to do everything on your own. With Specialty Store Services on your side, the sky’s the limit for creative retail displays and more!

That’s where we come in. At Specialty Store Services, we “specialize” in helping retailers just like you. To discover what we can do for your store, just contact us today!