How to Display Clothes on Mannequins

Mannequins are everywhere when you’re shopping. The key thing about them is how they’re dressed. This can make or break a customer wanting to go into your store. Your goal is to create an attractive display of clothes on the mannequin, and there are surprisingly a lot of steps to take when doing so. Specialty Store Services is your go-to source for all kinds of retail display fixtures, including mannequins. Read on for tips and tricks on correctly displaying clothing on your store’s mannequins.

Choose the Right Mannequin

An average mannequin might not work best for displaying your specific products. Knowing which measurement and weight of a mannequin is important because it can help you figure out if your clothes fit properly. You’ll want a mannequin that best suits your main demographic of customers. For instance, if you sell mainly female clothes, make sure your mannequin looks feminine so that it appeals to your targeted audience. Choose a material that your mannequin is made from that matches your products most so that customers can make more realistic visualizations when seeing your clothes displayed.

Make Sure Clothing Fits Well

Make Sure Clothing Fits Well

No one cares for a shirt that is wrinkled or pants that are too tight on a mannequin. You’d be surprised how many times you get the wrong fitting clothing on a mannequin. If this happens, customers tend to be less likely to purchase whatever you’re displaying. So, it’s critical for the clothing to be unwrinkled and have the best possible fit before the showcase. Once the clothes look clean and crisp, you’ll see more customers admiring your display and be more enticed to purchase.

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Change Up the Lighting

Lighting is everything in a store. You need customers to see all your products at every angle. So make sure to experiment with different colors to create a unique experience for clothing displays like mannequins. A well-lit store can make clothing or any other products look vivid and could lead to higher sales. There’s also the point that more lighting in an area creates a more happy and comfortable environment.

Change Up Your Display Regularly

Customers get bored easily, so you’ll need to update your mannequins regularly, whether per season or quarter. Rotating different items can help mannequins look fresh and give customers a reason to stop and take notice. Another great way to change up display fixtures is to style them based on the season or holiday. It wouldn’t make sense why your mannequin would be wearing shorts in the winter, and customers can pick up on that.

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Utilize Props

Props aren’t just fun; they are essential when it comes to styling a mannequin. Incorporating furniture or small props like plants can help give customers a better visualization of where they’d be when they’re wearing your store’s products. This will also help your merchandise stand out from competitors because it takes extra effort to incorporate props.


Mannequins are often the first thing customers see when they’re window shopping. So to say that mannequins are important in displaying your products is an understatement. Creating a professional-looking display is essential in bringing in customers and increasing sales. Specialty Store Services has the things you’ll need to make your displays stand out, including high-quality mannequins! Contact us today on how to help create a dynamic environment in your store to draw in customers. We’re here for all your retail needs!