Perfect Your Fitting Room Setup

When you walk into a fitting room, it looks like a disaster, and that can ruin your entire shopping experience. Making sure your customers see the ideal fitting room can be a small detail but greatly impact their feelings around your brand, which could even lead to increased sales. Read more in this blog on the key elements of creating a perfect fitting room and how they can negatively impact a customer’s experience if done wrong.

Why a Great Fitting Room Matters

A fitting room isn’t just a small space in the back of a store. It can be a functional room that is crucial to a customer’s purchase decision. A positive fitting room experience can turn a “maybe” into a confident “yes,” while a poorly designed one can lead to a lost sale. Here’s how you can create the perfect changing room setup for your boutique or apparel store.

Perfecting of Fitting Room

One of the most important things to have in a fitting room is adequate lighting. If a customer goes into your changing room and can’t see the clothes they try on, they’ll be more inclined to put them back on the rack rather than purchase them. Make sure you have bright overhead light to provide accurate color perception. LED lights are a good option to replicate daylight.

Full-Length Mirrors

Every fitting room should have a mirror, but provide a full-length mirror to make yours stand out. If a customer can’t see their entire profile in the mirror, it’s counterintuitive because they can’t make decisions on style or fit without seeing the full picture. Make sure to place these mirrors in specific places, like the corners of the room, so that customers have enough room to see themselves. Also, the mirrors should be cleaned regularly and free from scratches.

Comfortable Seating

A lot of retailers forget about providing comfortable seating or seating options in a changing room. Sometimes, customers need to sit down to try on shoes or certain clothing pieces or just need a place to rest a bit. Having this option shows you care about your customers and makes the shopping experience more pleasant.

Privacy Features

Another important key feature of the perfect fitting room is having enough privacy. Privacy is extremely important when customers are trying on clothes. Ensure your fitting rooms have doors or curtains that are easy to close and open so that everyone feels secure. Also, having your changing rooms away from direct lines of sight is better for private spaces.


Having clear and readable signage is important not only in your display windows but also in your fitting rooms. It helps customers understand the expectations and can reduce confusion. A customer can try on a shirt but may not know where to put it afterward. It makes it easier for your staff and the customer to have some direction in your changing rooms. Just make sure to keep these retail signs at eye level and easily visible so everyone can find them easy to read.

Related Article: Different Types of Shopping

Addressing Common Fitting Room Issues

Everyone can remember a terrible fitting room experience. Don’t be the store that brings that to mind. Common fitting room issues can include insufficient hooks and hangers, small, cramped spaces, and no call button for assistance. Customers should have a carefree shopping experience throughout your store, so don’t make changing rooms the one thing that can negatively change their minds.


Next time you are thinking about upgrading your store layout, don’t forget about your fitting rooms! Specialty Store Services is here to help with tips and tricks for all retailers. Visit our website today for retail solutions like fixtures, mannequins, and more. Your perfect changing room is just a step away!