Your Back-to-School Strategy: Pop-Up Displays to Get in the Game

Back to SchoolPop-up shops where notable celebs like Metallica sell their wares along tour stops may be all the rage these days, but for fixed retail locations, a different form of pop-up can be a real game changer when it comes to enticing customers and making sales. We’re talking about pop-up displays, and if you haven’t used them before, it’s high time you got in the game.

With back-to-school right around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about how you’re going attract parents and students, taking advantage of consumer dollars spent on pencils, notebooks, and backpacks, not to mention comforter sets for dorm rooms, new electronic devices, and of course, a whole new fall wardrobe.

What can you do to get shoppers in the door and buying your wares? Temporary, pop-up displays provide a great option that won’t cost you an arm and a leg, and that you can quickly design, manufacture, and install. Here are a few pop-up strategies to boost your store’s back-to-school sales.

Floor and Countertop Pop-Ups

Traditionally, pop-ups are comprised of various types of display racks that feature your most popular or newest products, generally on prominent display at the front of the store or the point of sale. In this way, you can catch the eyes of consumers as they walk by, enter the store, or wait to make a purchase.

Floor and countertop pop-up displays are easy to create, which means you can get custom cardboard display cases rather quickly and without the expense of more permanent, in-store fixtures. You can also use trending colors, designs, and graphics to grab attention and attract shoppers.

Banners, Posters, and Signage

Technically, these are not pop-up displays, but they can help with your back-to-school display strategy in many ways. For example, banners, posters, and other signage can be placed inside or outside of your retail location, or in display windows to attract passersby.  Signs can also highlight specific areas in your store or even direct customers to featured products, and they tend to be very economical.

Practical Displays

Suppose your retail location sells clothing for children or teens. How can you make your store stand out among competitors during the back-to-school season? You need to get creative with displays, but also provide a practical element for harried parents looking to make quick work of their lists.

A good way to do this is to create displays that take the guesswork out of shopping. You could, for example, create wall displays that feature complete, head-to-toe outfits, with tops, bottoms, and even shoes and accessories. Hang everything on racks below prominent displays so that parents can grab sizes and go or make it easy and have it mix and match for quick picking!


Parents all want their kids to be well-prepared to return to school. As a store owner, it pays to be aware that most are working with a budget for back-to-school supplies. By advertising discounts, deals, and giveaways, you might be able to gain the competitive edge and make more sales.

If you’re a Specialty Store Services customer and would like more information on Fixtures and Display for Back to School. Shop our website, Specialty Store Services, for all your retail store needs,  If you have a question that you would like answered immediately, you can Live Chat, or phone us at 800-999-0771.