Why You Need a Lighted Display Case in Your Retail Store

It’s true that adding lighted display cases to your store will entail some upfront cost, so you might naturally be concerned about the potential returns of such an investment. The addition of display cases to your retail space, however, could have a positive impact that reduces loss and increases profit. What do you stand to gain by including lighted showcases in your store layout? Here are a few potential benefits.

Display Case Improve Overall Product AppearanceSSS Showroom

You want every element in your retail store to contribute to a specific ambiance intended to attract customers and encourage sales. Lighted display cases are part of a bigger picture and they can help you to create the modern, sophisticated, high-end atmosphere customers are seeking.

They can also act as a focal point, drawing attention to the area of your store containing high-price merchandise or new products. There are many items in your store to draw the attention of customers. A lighted and locking glass display case can help them to find what they’re looking for, or alternately, draw attention to the most important merchandise and provide clues about where customers should look first upon entering your store.

Show Certain Wares in the Best Light—Literally

Certain items are simply going to look better when showcased in lighted display cases. Jewelry is one good example. Jewelry display cases allow you to create a more attractive and visible layout than, say, racks or shelving, denoting the importance of the goods on display, and the addition of specific lighting elements can make the items within the case sparkle and shine, and provide a different color temperature than the general lighting in your store. Be sure to think outside of the jewelry box. Anything that sparkles, such as handbags with metallic hardware, high-end pens, or even sunglasses, will truly shine in a lighted display case.

Other unique specialty times can also benefit from a lighted display case. Customers will be attracted to an autographed baseball, or other collectible memorabilia if it is displayed as a solo item in a lighted display case for collectibles. By displaying certain pieces alone, it makes them appear that much more special to customers.

Some merchandise may look better under lighting that mimics natural sunlight, such as certain gemstones. Other items could benefit from lighting that produces warmer or cooler tones. With a lighted showcase, you have the opportunity to experiment with a variety of different types of lighting to produce the most attractive results. This, in turn, can increase consumer interest in certain wares and improve sales of these items, which helps you to recoup costs.

Protect High-Value Merchandise from Theft

A glass display case won’t necessarily stop a brazen thief determined on stealing from your store. It won’t stop an armed robber. It will, however, protect high-value items from crimes of convenience. Items on open display make an easy target for light-fingered browsers who are willing to risk getting caught stealing rather than pay for items they want.

While there are other display options like alpha keepers that can secure individual products with electronic article surveillance measures, these won’t work for every product, and they can be cost-prohibitive. If you want the best opportunity to create an attractive display for high-value merchandise and protect against losses from damage or theft, lighted display showcases are almost certainly the most versatile and cost-effective option.

If you are interested in purchasing lighted display cases, glass cabinets, and more shop our website, Specialty Store Services, for all your retail store needs.  If you have a question about our line of lighted display cases that you would like answered immediately, you can Live Chat, or phone us at 800-999-0771.