Dazzling Jewelry Displays to Draw the Eye

Dazzling Jewelry Displays to Draw the EyeWe are once again heading into the busy, winter holiday season, which means plenty of shoppers will be on the prowl for the perfect gift for that special someone—something that glitters brighter than the North Star. It’s prime jewelry-buying season, and as a retailer, you need to position yourself to bring in seasonal shoppers for end-of-year holidays, and beyond.

Advertising is certainly a key component of your strategy, but with so much window shopping going on at this time of year, it’s also wise to update displays to make sure your merchandise sparkles and shines to the best advantage. You need to catch consumer’s eyes, and there are several ways to spice up jewelry displays to do just that.

Traditional Displays

You don’t necessarily have to stray from tried-and-true tactics when it comes to your holiday displays. While it’s smart to update to holiday themes, you don’t need to toss your well-lit display cases and traditional forms to the curb—they just need a little zhuzhing.

For example, you could replace plain backing materials in black or white with velvet case liners and padded trays in seasonal hues like red and green or blue and silver. These saturated colors and rich fabrics will imbue your displays with the holiday spirit and help your merchandise to stand out, especially with bright, LED lighting.

Ornament Displays

One great way to tie in the holiday theme is to add pine trees and garlands to your window display, and even displays throughout your store. To make the most of them, though, consider using acrylic bubble ornaments to hang on the boughs, nesting jewelry boxes inside. This makes for a fun display and you can sell the ornaments to customers looking for an interesting way to add gifts to their tree at home.

Wintry Window Displays

Snow and ice are a holiday standby, and incorporating these themes into your window display can be a great way to showcase your merchandise. Naturally, you won’t use real ice, but that doesn’t mean you can use clear acrylic head and hand forms, perhaps dusted with flocking, to display necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, and more.

Flesh out displays with paper snowflakes in textured, patterned, and metallic stock, as well as seasonal pops of color with pine boughs, poinsettias, and holly, or swaths of rich, velvet ribbon in burgundy, hunter green, or navy to act as a luxurious backdrop for jewelry. With a bit of creativity, you can update traditional displays, draw the eyes of shoppers, and boost your holiday sales.

In Conclusion

With a little creativity and a nod towards holiday conventions, you can boost your jewelry sales this holiday season and set yourself up for a good Valentine’s Day season, as well.

If you are interested in purchasing Retail Store displays and accessories for your retail store, shop our website, Specialty Store Services.  We have everything you need to be a profitable retailer.  If you have a question that you would like answered immediately, you can Live Chat, or phone us at 800-999-0771.