Retail Shoe Displays that Make All the Difference

Shoe displays help draw customers into stores and create a memorable shopping experience. You’re probably overwhelmed by the thought of knowing which types of shoe displays are best for your store, but don’t worry – we’ll provide you with easy tips so you can make sure your shelves will be jam-packed with the perfect selection of eye-catching footwear that fits seamlessly into any design scheme!

Understand the Psychology of a Shopper

Do you ever wonder why you buy certain things at the store? It’s about more than just what’s on sale or what catches your eye. There is actually a whole psychology behind shopping that can influence our purchases. For example, did you know that stores strategically place certain items at eye level to tempt shoppers? Or that certain scents and colors can trigger emotions and affect our buying decisions?

It’s fascinating to think about how much thought goes into the layout and design of a store, all in an effort to make us more likely to buy.

Take Advantage of Natural Light

Take Advantage of Natural Light

The sunlight is your friend. Let it transform your store into a haven of positivity! Studies have shown that natural light can uplift your disposition and enrich your health. Believe it or not, the right placement of your shoe displays can encourage customers to feel happy and rejuvenated. How? By simply allowing them access to the abundant benefits of natural light! Make sure to stage your shoe displays near natural light, whether in window display areas or around the front door.

Related Article: Effective Retail Store Lighting

Group Shoes by Style, Color and Size

Alright, folks, let’s talk about organizing our shoes. We all know the struggle of digging through a messy display of footwear in a store and not being able to find the pair we want. So make things easier, as a retail store owner, and group our shoes by style, color, and size with large shoe displays and fixtures. This way, customers can easily grab the right pair for any occasion without wasting time searching.

Use Mannequins and Props to Bring your Shoe Display to Life

Using mannequins and props can be a game-changer in making your shoe products pop instead of a boring, static display, and mannequins can pose and interact with props, creating a more dynamic and eye-catching display. For example, you could have a mannequin sitting on a bench, trying on a pair of shoes, or playing basketball with a basketball prop nearby.

This not only shows off your shoes but also brings your display to life, making it more engaging for customers. Don’t settle for a plain showcase when you can give customers a glimpse of how their shoes will look in real life. Switch it up with mannequins and playful accessories to make your shoes truly stand out.

Incorporate Accessories that Coordinate with the Shoes

When it comes to fashion, it’s all about the details. Accessories can be the key to elevating an outfit from drab to fab, but are you coordinating them with your shoes? Don’t underestimate the power of matching a purse, scarf or hat with your footwear products, it can make a big impact on the customer’s decision to purchase.

By paying attention to this detail, you can create a cohesive and thoughtful shoe display that shows your brand puts effort into fashion choices.

Related Article: How Mannequins can Help You Boost Sales


Allowing your customers to escape into an immersive retail experience gives them the opportunity to explore your shoe inventory in a much more engaging manner. Keep in mind: proper lighting, grouping strategies and display props can really bring your shoe display to life. It may be a bit overwhelming when planning out your arrangements for the first time, but don’t worry – once you understand the basics, you will be good to go.

For any additional information about retail store fixtures and supplies, check out Specialty Store Services for more ideas on products, designs and layouts.