Boost Customer Convenience and Overall Brand Experience

Customer ConvenienceCustomers can be fickle, which is why you need to work hard to provide a consistent, quality experience for every store visitor, as well as take steps to boost customer convenience at every level, from their first contact with you at your brick-and-mortar location or via online platforms, to the point of sale and beyond.

You might be surprised to learn that a few simple changes to your operations could make a world of difference in how your customers perceive you and the experience they have with your brand. These upgrades might seem pretty obvious, but the devil is in the details, and when you pay attention to the little things, customers will notice and respond.

Provide Store Info Online

Your address, phone number, and hours of operation are basic pieces of information the average consumer needs in order to find you and purchase your wares. You need to make sure this information is readily available online, which is where most consumers will find you first.

Your contact info and hours of operation should be included in the header and/or footer on your website, appearing on every page. You should also include this data on your social media accounts and claim listings with Google, Yelp, and other review outlets to ensure consumers have access to correct store information.

Add Visible Signage

If customers can’t tell if your store is open, they might not bother coming in. For this reason, you should consider adding a high-visibility banner or even a neon or LED sign that alerts customers and passersby when you are open for business.

Make Your Storefront Shine

You are probably well aware of the cleaning and maintenance tasks needed to keep your retail space in ship shape, but it’s easy for lower-priority items to fall by the wayside. A comprehensive cleaning checklist can help you to stay on top of everything; one chore you want to make sure not to neglect is keeping your storefront impeccably clean.

You should focus on maintaining storefront displays, in particular. Dust regularly and make sure windows are spotless so consumers can get an eyeful of attractive displays.

Validate Parking

If you don’t have a dedicated parking lot or ample street parking, you may have to rely on nearby paid parking lots or valet service, for example, and customers may find this annoying and inconvenient. You needn’t make them pay just for the pleasure of visiting your store. Instead, offer validated parking for any customer making a purchase.

Organize Displays

Maintaining a well-organized store is one of the best ways to ensure the most convenient and satisfying customer experience. This means directing your staff to check displays frequently to make sure items are properly organized so that customers can easily find sizes or options they’re seeking. Intuitive displays help to speed up getting shoppers from the front door to the cash register.

If you are a retailer who would like more information on Retail Displays and Supplies, you can visit our website, Specialty Store Services, or if you have a question that you would like answered immediately you can Live Chat, or call us the old fashioned way by phone at 800-999-0771.