Refreshing Retail to Revamp the In-Store Experience

When it comes to brick-and-mortar retail, it’s no longer enough to rely on time-tested strategies that have served businesses for decades. With online shopping offering convenience and cut-rate pricing, you need to do more to entice shoppers out their front door and into your store. You need to deliver an irresistible experience. How can you Read More …

Care Packages: Bundling Goods Boosts Convenience and Profit

With back-to-school here, plenty of parents are sending their kids off to college and wondering if they’ll remember to eat right, brush and floss, and generally care for themselves in the absence of their lifelong caregivers. What can businesses do to help ease the natural anxieties of parents and meet student needs simultaneously? Enter the Read More …

Folding Retail Racks: An Essential for Any Small Retail Space

If your retail space is at a premium—whether you have a ton of products to display, a tiny space to work with, or both—you need solutions that allow you to showcase your wares to optimal effect and make the most of available space, including on the floor, as well as on the walls and overhead. Read More …

The Miracle of Holiday Gift Certificates for Retail

Going into the busy holiday shopping season, most retail business owners have all kinds of plans for promotions intended to make the most of this consumer smorgasbord. Although nearly everyone is out shopping for holiday gifts, businesses face tough competition for consumer dollars thanks to abundant sales and promotions aimed at undercutting competitors. Gift cards Read More …

Customer Feedback is Essential to Your Business and Here’s Why

You spend a lot of time and money creating products and services designed to add value and convenience to the lives of your customers. You present and market these products in keeping with your branding, finding ways to attract interested consumers, increase awareness and demand, and create a community of patrons. How does the consumer Read More …

Understanding the Customer Experience is Crucial to Retail Success

As a retailer, it’s not always easy to know what customers want or how to provide them with an overwhelmingly positive experience. Unfortunately, if you want to enjoy long-term success, you have to try and you have to hit the mark more often than not. This means finding ways to understand the customer experience, empathize Read More …

Why You Want Negative Churn

Trying to nail down one exact reason why your customers stay or leave is really an exercise in futility. Whatever causes the change in your customers’ minds, though, creates churn for your business. And, yes, customers will invariably change their minds. As your business grows and evolves, so do your customers. Sometimes, these two things Read More …

Why Your Business Needs to Embrace the Peak-End Rule

Think about a favorite movie. If asked, you might recall important plot points. At the very least, most people are likely to remember the climax, or peak moment of the film, along with the ending. Everyone recalls the scene in Jaws when the shark explodes into smithereens, followed by the twist on the classic movie Read More …

Successful Holiday Promos to Generate Leads and Encourage Patronage

The clamor of the holiday season means retailers face a lot of competition if they want to catch the attention of shoppers. Coming up with successful holiday promotions is no easy feat, but if you want to generate leads and encourage patronage during the heightened spending of the season, you need to find ways to Read More …

Preparing For Small Business Saturday Success

  You’ve heard of Small Business Saturday, but you’ve never joined in because you’re not an American Express merchant. Or perhaps you’re a late bloomer and missed the deadline for signing up with American Express. Not a problem! You don’t need to accept American Express or use their merchant materials to participate in this movement, Read More …