8 Quick Tips: Preparing for the Holiday Retail Season

The holiday retail season comes sooner than you think. Retailers everywhere have to prepare for the high-traffic months ahead. Below are some great quick tips for preparing for the holiday retail season. Make a Plan for Sales Success November 1Ā marks the start of the holiday shopping season, so now is the time to start preparing Read More …

Signage Helps Implement Social Distancing

Signage and floor marking tapes and dots are an easy and inexpensive way to enforce new social distancing norms. It is important to let your customers and employees know that the CDC recommends that when people are in your store or business that they need to stay at least six feet away from each other, Read More …

Re-Opening Your Retail Space with Gusto

The “shelter in place” and “safer at home” orders that swept the nation in response to the COVID-19 crisis have almost certainly helped to save lives and slow the spread of infection, but these measures have also left businesses in a lurch. Luckily, we seem to be coming around the bend, as states begin to Read More …

Safe Retail in the Coronavirus Era

For retail businesses, creating a safe, appealing setting for shoppers has always been a top priority, but health and safety concerns have become even more important in recent months, with all the fears regarding the spread of COVID-19. While some businesses have closed because of “shelter at home” orders that affect non-essential businesses, others are Read More …

Getting Started with Curbside Pickup

To help combat the spread of COVID-19 and maintain business as (close to) usual, many retailers and restaurants have implemented a curbside pickup option for customers. If you have contemplated doing the same, but aren’t exactly sure where to start, you’re in luck. In this post, we are going to dig into the mechanics of Read More …

Consignment Assignment: Creating Order from Chaos

When people want to sell items of value, they often turn to consignment stores to do the job for them. Although certain online platforms offer opportunities to sell just about anything these days, many people don’t want to deal with the hassle and uncertainty of determining fair pricing, fielding bids, and dealing with strangers. They’d Read More …

Essential Fixtures and Supplies to Organize Craft Stores

Among retail stores, craft stores face a unique set of challenges because of the wide array of products they tend to carry. The craft industry covers diverse hobbies ranging from knitting and sewing to scrapbooking and card making, to creating jewelry, apparel, and art. It also tends to encapsulate seasonal and even year-round home decorating. Read More …

Dazzling Jewelry Displays to Draw the Eye

We are once again heading into the busy, winter holiday season, which means plenty of shoppers will be on the prowl for the perfect gift for that special someoneā€”something that glitters brighter than the North Star. It’s prime jewelry-buying season, and as a retailer, you need to position yourself to bring in seasonal shoppers for Read More …

Psychology of Sales: Tips and Tricks for Retail

Understanding the psyche of a shopper may seem impossible, but there are actually several simple principles that can guide you toward retail success. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you create a retail environment geared toward enticing shoppers to spend. Keep it Simple Consumers want choices, but how many? There’s a psychological Read More …

Profiting from the Explosion in the Pet Products Retail Market

As more households invite pets like cats, dogs, fish, birds, and more exotic species to join the family, they naturally need pet products to ensure the health and comfort of their animal friends. This means providing nutritious and suitable food, as well as purchasing pet beds, cages and tanks, collars and harnesses, toys, bathing and Read More …